"A horse is like a mirror, and it's reflecting what and who you are."

This is just a little diary of my horse life. I teach natural horsemanship and dressage. I am currently working on getting back to L4 Parelli after a car accident and surgery.

I suffered from a fear of failure, as things had not gone according to planned after my time off from my injuries. It had been an paralyzing disability (fear) but my healing is coming along nicely, and I hope to pass my level 4 before the end of 2011.

I don't know where I am going, but I am NOT lost!

I am now reviewing dvd's and books, and blogging my reviews. The link on the left in the categories (DVD Clinician Reviews)will take you straight to it. You will find links to the websites of all dvd clinicians I review and they are located on the left hand side bottom of page of the page. None of the clinicians or trainers I am reviewing, sponsor, endorse or authorize this site. For more info about them please click on thier link.

I hope you enjoy!

Savvy On,

I will be giving Savvy Star Ratings based soley on my opinion of it's value to a parelli student as such

***** Must own

**** Must watch

*** Worth watching, but you won't die without it

** Eh' take it with a grain of salt, you will have to filter alot

* OK, but there is better stuff out there to spend your time and money on

0 stars....skip it, it just isn't worth your time.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Book Review: ***** "Lessons With Lendon" by Lendon Gray

25 Progressive dressage lessons*****

I cannot begin to say what a great series of lessons this book is comprised of.  Originally, back when I found them and completed them my self, it was a monthly article in a magazine.  They were so popular, that they took them and put them in a book.  Lendon has a sensible, natural approach to dressage, from step 1 to step 25, nothing is over looked, no short cuts taken. I had ripped out the articles and chucked the rest of the magazine, and still have them in a binder for reference.  These are the 'lessons' that finally got me on the proper and classical road to success, that I had searched for, for so long.  These are the lessons that finally fixed all the damage that an international "I" level dressage judge had created with us.  These are the lessons that finally got Snookie to stop spooking and running for the hills with me barely attached.  I highly recomend this book to anyone riding a horse of any level, you never know what steps you may have missed in your horses training, and you certainly don't want to create any holes with your new baby!

Lendon literally starts you off at go and whoa, because if you don't have that, what good is the rest of it?  From the very basics to preparing for your first dressage show, she generously shares advice from an Olympians perspective.  If you are working on your Finesse Savvy, you can't go wrong with this book as a resource.  Dressage saddle not required!

Savvy On

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